Mediterranean Coast Day (25 September) is a UNEP/MAP regional annual observance introduced under the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Protocol of the Barcelona Convention.
The promoter of this important observance for the Mediterranean is PAP/RAC, the Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre, with the mission to support Mediterranean countries on their path towards sustainable coastal development.
PAP/RAC was established in 1977 as one of the Regional Activity Centres of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), itself part of the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment).
The present website dedicated to Mediterranean Coast Day was developed by INFO/RAC, the Regional Activity Centre for Information and Communication of UNEP/MAP to support Mediterranean Countries in celebrating Mediterranean Coast Day also through outreach activities easy to replicate everywhere.
In this website you will find also information about the resilience of the Mediterranean coasts. More information on this activity are also made available on the other UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention System’s websites.
This year, as COVID-related restrictions have been reduced or eliminated in many Mediterranean countries, UNEP/MAP, PAP/RAC and INFO/RAC, with support of all the other UNEP/MAP Barcelona Convention Regional Activity Centres (MED POL, Plan Bleu, SCP/RAC, SPA/RAC and REMPEC) building on the digital campaign rolled out last year, intend to expand, to the extent possible, participation from all actors in the field of environment and sustainable development in the region also trough events in person.
Our aim remains unchanged: beating the drum for healthy Mediterranean marine and coastal ecosystems among policymakers, local authorities, members of academia and the media, civil society and the public at large.
In the meantime, we would like to invite you to help us to spread the word on social media by using the hashtags #MedCoastDay #Act4Med #BarcelonaConvention in your posts and disseminate the slogan of the Mediterranean Coast Day: